Jean-Yves Marion is a professor at Université de Lorraine, France. He is the Director of the computer science laboratory LORIA, comprising 400-450 researchers, affiliated to CNRS, Inria and Université de Lorraine. He got his habilitation in 2002 from Université Nancy 2 and his Phd Thesis from Université Paris 7 in 1993. Then, he spent two years at Indiana University as a researcher. Since 2015, he is a senior Fellow of Institut Universitaire de France. His research interest is mainly computer security and more specifically in malware. The overall goal is to provide solutions to automatically analyze, attribute and detect known and unknown malware by combining advanced algorithmic, formal methods, AI and reverse engineering tools. He is one of the two co-founders of the High Security Lab (LHS) which was in 2010 a unique research platform to conduct computer security experiments. He published about 100 papers and supervised about 25 PhD thesis. His research findings have been transferred to the start-up Cyber-Detect, which he has co-founded. Jean-Yves Marion is a scientific board member of the French agency ANSSI. He is the head of the scientific committee of CNRS research group (GDR) on cyber-security and a member of the scientific committee of CNRS research group (GDR) in computer science and mathematics. Jean-Yves Marion has been ranked amongst the 100-most important cybersecurity people in France (by Usine Nouvelle business magazine).